Thursday 30 December 2010

Starting On Day Zero Project.

I will start this on 1st January 2011, ending on 28th September 2013. My 101 things are

1) Get a new camera and start a Vlog.
2) Get a well paid full time job.
3) Get my own flat and live on my own.
4) Go skydiving.
5) Go a week without internet, TV or my mobile phone.
6) Write and direct a play to be performed at a small venue.
7) Ride in a hot air balloon.
8) Go on a world cruise.
9) Visit America.
10) Arrange a theatre workshop on a train.
11) Get a pet dog and call it cunt.
12) Try 50 different foods I have never tasted before. [0/50]
13) Fill a cinema with one group of people.
14) Write a pilot for a TV series and send it to the BBC.
15) Abseil down the Radio City Tower (Anglican Cathedral from 5/1/11) for Williamson Tunnels Heritage Centre.
16) Buy dinner for a homeless person.
17) Buy 20 random objects and give them to people who walk past me in the street. [1/20]
18) Give free hugs to 101 people. [0/101]
19) Go bunjee jumping.
20) Arrange for 20+ people to stand in a "Peace circle" in the centre of Liverpool for a specified time (1 minute for every British soldier killed) to raise money for Help for Heroes.
21) Write 20 things I like about myself and a seperate list of 20 things I dislike about myself. Frame the "Like list" and burn the "Dislike list"
22) Go to the filming of Doctor Who on location.
23) Listen to one song on repeat for 24 hours straight.
24) Buy a drum kit and learn to play the drums.
25) Have a months stay in the isle of man.
26) Get 25 friends to suggest 1 book each and read them all. [0/25]
27) Do everything for my Nan for 1 week.
28) Go to 5 concerts.
29) Watch 101 films I have never seen before [3/101]
30) Listen to 30 bands i have never heard of before [1/30]
31) Write a letter to 15 people I dont know (soldiers, actors, singers, politicians, etc) [0/15]
32) Get a reply from 3 random numbers that I text (Make up a number and hope someone in the country has it) [0/3]
33) Devise a play and put it on at the Edinburgh Festival.
34) Learn another language.
35) Visit Stone Henge.
36) Learn to drive and pass my driving test.
37) Donate £500 of my own money to the NSPCC. [0/500]
38) Visit 5 towns in the UK I've never heard of before. [0/5]
39) Host a party on the Mersey Ferries.
40) Start a conversation with 10 complete strangers [0/10]
41) Go walking without a plan, following wherever the road takes me for 4 hours and see where i end up.
42) Add 101 new people to skype and have at least 1 conversation with all of them [14/101]
43) Experience life in a different culture for 1 week.
44) Visit 5 major theme parks around the world [0/5]
45) Apply and take part in a British game show.
46) Learn BSL.
47) Fly a kite.
48) Host a Doctor who fancy dress party.
49) Eat 3 meals a day that I have prepared myself for 1 week.
50) Do a bit of stand up comedy in Liverpools "Rawhide Raw"
51) Go to watch the Grand National and put a bet on.
52) Go a month without swearing.
53) Arrange a major bike ride event for Children in Need.
54) Say yes to everything anyone asks me to do (within reason) for a week.
55) Spontaniously gift 50 friends [0/50]
56) Spend £500 on Doctor Who merch [0/500]
57) Watch the whole of Life on Mars/Ashes to Ashes in one sitting.
58) Create an online persona on a website and keep it up for a month to see how many people I fool.
59) Write with correct spelling and grammar for a month.
60) Do my own grocery shopping (Completely alone) 30 times [0/30]
61) Go Surfing
62) Let someone else determine what I wear every day for a week.
63) Eat like a vegetarian for a month.
64) Audition for 40 acting roles [1/40]
65) Get my hair professionally dyed and styled.
66) Write a letter to myself on day 1 of the project and open it again on day 1001.
67) Give a 100% tip.
68) Smile to 50 strangers and get them to smile back [4/50]
69) Visit the Grand Canyon
70) Visit the theatre 25 times. [0/25]
71) Complete a 1000 piece jigsaw.
72) Go on a Shiverpool Ghost tour.
73) Send a message in a bottle.
74) Clean and organise my room and keep it like that for 100 days [0/100]
75) Find someone to love.
76) Sleep in a hammock.
77) Get my five a day and 2.5l of water every day for a month.
78) Do the lottery 101 times [0/101]
79) Toast marshmallows.
80) Sleep in a nice, quiet, large open field.
81) Take singing lessons.
82) See a film in 3D
83) Retake and renew my First Aid qualification.
84) Hold a bake sale for Alder Hey Childrens Hospital.
85) Make friend with someone I dislike now.
86) Have a Psycic reading.
87) Answer the 50 questions that will free your mind.
88) Try 10 cocktails [0/10]
89) Get a laptop.
90) Visit Australia.
91) Watch a sunrise and sunset.
92) Get a tattoo
93) Put all coins 20p or less into a jar and dont open it until the 1001 days are over.
94) Take part in a proffessional paranormal investigation.
95) Let someone submit 3 challenge for me to do (Keep it open for ideas for a year then put the best/achievable ones into
96) See 95
97) See 95
98) Learn 10 origami models [0/10]
99) Inspire 5 people to do a Day Zero Project [1/5]
100) Write a new list of 101 things for the next 1001 days.
101) Use the money I saved from 93 to have a celebratory meal with all my friends on day 1001 and reflect on the project.

Things Completed will be in BOLD
Things in progress will be in ITALICS
Things I did but wasn't happy with so may come back to at some point will be UNDERLINED

Everything else will be normal.